Hg8245q2 bridge. EchoLif e HG8245Q2 GPON T er minal.

  • Hg8245q2 bridge. Description: HG8245Q2 Datasheet.

    Hg8245q2 bridge The S920 which acts as the router for the home network uses two networks (LAN and guest). Da bi sve to radilo na route El recurso no existe o se ha eliminado. La diferencia que tiene con un video anterior https://youtu. Após a ativação do modo bridge, o endereço de IP mudará e será necessária a conexão do cabo de rede para acessar as configurações. Table 3-6 Getting the router's config. HG8245Q2. O mais aguardado tutorial para desbloquear a sua ONT Huawei nos modelos HG8245Q2, HG8245W5-6T, HG8145V5 ou EG8145V5 chegou! Com este tutorial e em apenas poucos passos, você irá conseguir alterar a senha super\admin da sua ONT Huawei e com isso será liberado todas as configurações e opções da interface web. Everything worked flawlessly (without a username or password combo set in my router) until this past Friday when my router's PPPOE connection started to fail with this message: Configuring the GPON FTTH Layer 3 Bridge Multicast Service on the OLT CLI. Free PDF of Huawei HG8245Q2 ONT. ,Ltd GPON Terminal . Instalaram o ONT da Huawei HG8245W5-6T pra conexão. It seems the Huawei uses the Huawei EchoLife HG8245Q2 GPON User Manual. com 3 Huawei EG8040H Huawei EG8240H Huawei EG8242H Huawei HG8245Q2 Huawei 10G PON ONT Huawei HN8055Q Huawei HN8245Q Huawei HN8255Ws . . 4 GHz e 5 GHz, proporcionando melhor cobertura e desempenho para conectividade sem fio. 11ac e 3 x 3 FORA tecnologia. After the wired bridge mode is configured, the downlink device of the router obtains an IP address from the uplink router. Add to wishlist. J 1 Reply Last reply Reply Quote 0. Se recomienda que visite la página de inicio de nuestro sitio web o use uno de los siguientes enlaces:. Sadly, the S920 OpenWRT router on the WAN interface only Part #: HG8245Q2. Ele é equipado com 4 portas Gigabit Ethernet, 2 portas USB e 1 porta telefônica RJ11 (POTS). Safety precautions: Huawei HG8240H has no bridge option, Today we will upgrade firmware that will add bridge option and we will convert Gpon to Xpon. Hi, I am with the Austrian ISP Energie AG on a fibre connection. last edited by تعداد پورت تلفن مودم فیبر نوری دوبانده هوآوی مدل HG8245Q2. Accede a la configuración de tu módem a través de un navegador web. PossibleConnectionTypes IP_Routed,PPPoE_Bridged We have tested IP_Routed as Connection Type and we were able Huawei HG8245Q2 Users Manual Huawei Users Manual. Quick Start. Download EchoLife HG8245Q2 GPON Terminal. Ele funciona simultaneamente em duas frequências, 450 Mbit/s a 2. Saludos. Como configurar o modem Wi-Fi no modo bridge . Gorkit0 Una vez reseateado en módem Huawei HG8245H pasaremos a la computadora a configurar paso a paso paraque quede en modo bridgeaquí el tutorial completo 👉 https Vamos a explicarte qué es exactamente el modo Bridge o modo puente de un router, un paso que es recomendable cuando quieras utilizar un router neutro para mejorar tu conexión en casa. It features four Gigabit Ethernet ports, two Voice over IP (VoIP) ports, and a built-in Wi-Fi access point that supports 802. this firmware is use in Eti Hi, My ISP supplied a Huawei HG8245W5 for the FTTH router and AP. 4 گیگاهرتز و 5 گیگاهرتز متصل شوید. The high forwarding performance ensures the user experience of voice O DMZ é uma alternativa para quem não tem mais o modo bridge fornecido por sua operadora. Huawei HG8245Q2(bridge مشخصات فنی، قیمت روز و لیست فروشندگان مودم GPON (فیبر نوری) Huawei HG8245Q2 / هواوی HG8245Q2 + مقایسه کامل با رقبا، عکس‌ها، نظرات کاربران و بررسی زومیت. Select options. Tenho o intuito de alterar o DNS padrão do router. It provides 4 GE+2 POTS+1 USB+2 WiFi(4 GE ports, 2 POTS ports, 1 USB port, 1 2. It provides 4 GE+2 HG8245Q2. I want to put this in bridged mode with my TP-Link AC4000 working as the AP and NAT (essentially I don't want the Huawei router to have access to my LAN) HG8245Q2 FTTH is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. It uses the GPON technology to implement ultra-broadband access for users. Anyhow, there are two ways to go about this, first enter the admin settings from your browser (192. Características do Huawei HG8245Q2: 1. 1. ly/3iwAvGd🤗🎁DONACION EN BOTON GRACIAS que esta al costado de DESCARGAR, en la barra de menú de este v O Dual Band Huawei HG8245Q2 é um dispositivo de rede avançado que oferece conectividade de alta velocidade à Internet para residências e pequenas empresas. I am now trying to get IPv6 connectivity working on both networks. user: root senha: admin user: telecomadmin senha: admintelecom Si esta opción está disponible y está activada, tu módem está en modo Bridge. bridge دارای دو پورت است و برای اتصال گروهی از کامپیوتر ها به کار می رود . - Presiona “Guardar”. youtube. که کاری به بریج نداریم در حال حاضر For over a year I've had my Huawei HG8245Q2 fiber modem in bridge mode and been performing all routing with my TP-Link ER605 Omada router. Router Huawei HG8245H modo Bridge. On my motherboard, I have two Ethernet ports, and I'm using a Windows 11 desktop. 4 GHz e 5 GHz, oferecendo cobertura aprimorada e desempenho aprimorado para conectividade sem fio perfeita. Grupo:t. Data Plan. Esse é o modem/roteador/wifi que a Claro vem instalando. I am able to put the HG8245Q2 in "WAN Bridge" mode, however when setting up the TP Link router it detects the connection type as PPPoE. Como já tinha a rede estruturada, com bom firewall, roteador parrudo, gestão do IPv6 e alguns acessos direto pelo IPv4 público na conexão anterior, pretendia colocar o ONT/ONU em bridge, mas não estou conseguindo. User Manual. # Tutorial como desbloquear ONTs Huawei HG8145V5, HG8245W5-6T e HG8245Q2 e ter acesso Bridge completo! مشكلة مودم الاتصالات المتكاملة HG8245Q2. Mas não me responsabilizo por qualquer estrago que pode causar, pois você esta instalando um novo firmware desbloqueando o modem. I am running their ONT Huawei HG8245Q2 and behind it a S920 with OpenWRT. For IPv4 I have to live with a double NAT. Com sua capacidade Wi-Fi de banda dupla, ele suporta bandas de frequência de 2. It is equipped with 4 gigabit Ethernet ports, 2 USB ports and 1 RJ11 (POTS) phone port. wiki > Huawei Technologies > HG8245Q2 User Manual > User Manual HTML Version. to/3QjafAtCotton Jean https://amz Download the datasheet of Huawei HG8245Q2 ONT. 4. IP kamere, NAS i sl. Como configurar o modem Wi-Fi no modo bridge. JKnott @Katan. com. Unfortunately - Huawei router in "normal" Video demostrativo de configuração do equipamento em modo bridge com roteador secundário. - Selecciona modo “Puente”. Safety Precautions To use the device properly and safely, read the safety precautions carefully before using the device and strictly observe these precautions when using the device. Como configurar o modem Wi-Fi no modo bridge Após a ativação do modo bridge, o endereço de IP mudará e será necessária a conexão do cabo de Learning and Tech Support. Page: 3 Pages. Anyhow, there are two ways to go about this, first enter the O mais aguardado tutorial para desbloquear a sua ONT Huawei nos modelos HG8245Q2, HG8245W5-6T, HG8145V5 ou EG8145V5 chegou! Com este tutorial e em apenas poucos passos, você irá conseguir alterar a Enterprise Products, Solutions and Services for Enterprise; Consumer Smartphones, PC & Tablets, Wearables and More; Corporate About Huawei, Press & Events , and More The EchoLife HG8245Q2 is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. Neste tutorial, configuramos um DMZ da ONT HG8245H para um roteador Huawei Technologies HG8245Q2 GPON Terminal User Manual Huawei Technologies Co. Suscribirse. Login utilizadosuperadmintelecomLink do arquivo de backup/ configura I have a Huawei EchoLife HG8245Q2 GPON Terminal that acts as the modem and WiFi Router but I want to use a TP-Link Deco M5 router for WiFi. WANPPPConnection. I am able to put the HG8245Q2 in "WAN Interesting, I just asked because these kinds of modems usually have custom settings by ISP as I have the exact same one myself. You will need to I have Huawei HG8245Q2 router with GPON WAN and 4 ethernet ports and powerful WiFi module. 4 GHz e 1300 Mbit/s a 5 GHz. me/desbloqueiohuaweiTutorial completo e ferramenta ORIGINAL:forum. Disclaimer. 2-Connect router to a PC by LAN or WIFI (Default PASSWORD will be on backside of router. De antemano agradezco sus aportaciones. Specification HG8245Q2 Specification Dimensions (L x W x H) 265 mm x 176 mm x 82 mm Operating temperature 0°C to +40°C Operating humidity 5% RH to 95% RH (non-condensing) Power adapter input 100–240 V AC, 50/60 Hz System power supply 11 مودم روتر فیبر نوری Gpon-ONT هوآوی مدل HG8245Q2، اصل، پشتیبانی از فیبر نوری، Wi-Fi 5، قابلیت کیفیت سرویس، 4 پورت LAN، ابعاد: 265x176x82 میلی‌متر Se configurará paso a paso el modo bridge en un modem o router de la marca Huawei. 11ac Wi-Fi standards. It works simultaneously at two frequencies, 450 Mbit/s at 2. facebook. WANConnectionDevice. A bridge ONT is only responsible for transparent transmission and provides users with Internet access and IPTV channels. Download. Cómo configurar tu módem en modo Bridge. 2018-02-12 , 11:58 مساءً Copy Link Share on iOS Share on Facebook Share on Twitter 3. Router-Switch. 1) then choose WAN, choose your connection by selecting the checkbox you should get all the settings displayed, in (WAN mode) change it Huawei EchoLife HG8245Q2 GPON User Manual. Preparations. You will need to set the computer to use a static address (on the same network segment as the bridge router) and access the web-based Aprenda a desbloquear a ONT Huawei todos os modelos: HG8245Q2, HG8245W5-6T, HG8145V5 e EG8145V5;LINK PARA baixar os aqruivos:https://forum. Frequently Asked Questions. As a result, the web-based management page of the router cannot be accessed directly. This model offers 4 GE+2 POTS+1 USB+2 WiFi(4 GE ports, 2 POTS ports, 1 USB port, 1 2. com/l Mozete prebaciti ruter u Internet Bridge mode tako da internet konekciju direktno koristite preko svog ruter-a, tako sto povezete mrezni kabl izmedju njegovo preciso de acesso ao usuário "super" no roteador HG8245Q2 da Oi Fibra, aparentemente o firmware deste equipamento foi alterado e não consigo acessa-lo com o usuário e senha antigos, que seguem abaixo. be/olFeF-oclLM در این مقاله به صورت گام به گام و تصویری به تنظیم و کانفیگ کامل مودم فیبر نوری هواوی می پردازیم و به سوالات و اشکالات متداول در این زمینه پاسخ داده می شود. Uveo sam optiku sa telekomom dali mi HG8245Q2 nakacio sam svoj router na njega i krenuo da podesavam da ga stavim u bridge mode, ali ne mogu nigde da nadjem tu opciju da li je basic "telekom/telekom" useru to ukinnuta opcija ili ja sam corav A Bridge Connecting IT Hardware to The World Routers Switches Firewalls Wireless Servers Storages Solutions Services About Us × Download the datasheet of Huawei HG8245Q. 11ac standard and 3 x 3 MIMO technology. br/posts/1075715047 wAP configuration WDS BridgeHG8145V5-20 Bridge Mode on Huawei Modem Gpon HG8145V5-20 Bridge Mode Huawei Bridge ONT Huawei EG8040H5 Huawei EG8240H5 Huawei EG8120L Huawei EG8010H . 4G WiFi port, and 1 5G WiFi port). bridge Modem fibra Claro Huawei HG8245Q2 tem login 'secreto' de superadmin que é um verdadeiro backdoor e não pode ser mudado. Looking back at the HG8245Q2's settings in Route mode I notice there Kako "izvući" PPPoE podatke iz Huawei HG8245Q2 i HG8245H ONT uređaja? Po zahtevu, objavljujem informacije za dobijanje PPPoE login informacija za navedene ONT uređaje koje koristi Telekom Srbija u svojoj optičkoj mreži. You can access the Internet only after successfully dialing on your device such as a router or PC. com/watch?v=7oF62Z7eYg8&t=45shttps://forum. حداکثر سرعت دانلود در باند 2. A Bridge Connecting IT Hardware to The World Routers Switches Firewalls Wireless Servers Storages Solutions Services About Us × https://wa. Free PDF of Huawei HG8245Q. Módem es un Huawei HG8245Q2. ONT modemi koje Telekom koristi na optičkom mreži imaju sledeću šifru: Username: admin; Password: 20HWont17. Learning and Tech Support. مودم فیبر نوری دوبانده HG8245Q2 از برند Huawei به یک پورت تلفن (POTS) مجهز شده است که امکان برقراری ارتباطات صوتی را برای شما فراهم می‌کند. Safety Precautions. Svi ti uređaji spojeni su mi na jedan switch koji je spojen na Huawei router i tu nastaje problem. UserManual. It uses GPON technology to implement ultra-broadband access for users. - Selecciona “Básico” 2. The Huawei HG8245Q2 is a high-performance router designed to deliver fast and reliable internet connectivity. Compare. 197. 4 GHz and 1300 Mbit/s at 5 GHz. 75 Gbps internet speed. Popular Usuario y contraseña Modem Huawei HG8245Q2 Do you have any question about the HG8245Q2? Contact us now via Live Chat or sales@router-switch. ONU/ONT, HUAWEI, All Products, Others $ 24. Wi-Fi de banda dupla: O Huawei HG8245Q2 oferece suporte a Wi-Fi de banda dupla, operando nas frequências de 2. Busca la opción «Modo Bridge» o «Bridge Mode». EchoLif e HG8245Q2 GPON T er minal. EchoLife HG8245Q2 GPON Terminal Quick Start. Amigos esta configuración aplica para cuando hemos reseteado el módem o por alguna variación eléctrica a vuelto a sus valores de fabrica, con ello nuestra co مودم فیبر نوری هواوی مدل hg8245q2 پشتیبانی از تکنولوژی GPONT ، دارای ۴ پورت اترنت با سرعت بالا، پشتیبانی دو باندی Wi-Fi (2. 1. Si tu módem no está en modo Bridge y deseas cambiarlo, debes seguir los siguientes pasos: 1. adrenaline. Safety precautions: I have a Huawei EchoLife HG8245Q2 GPON Terminal that acts as the modem and WiFi Router but I want to use a TP-Link Deco M5 router for WiFi. Looks like Huawei uses the same encryption key on the configs for all routers and according to a Spanish language forum it was present in a file on the router /etc/wap/aes_string. Equipado com recursos de segurança تعداد پورت تلفن مودم فیبر نوری دوبانده هوآوی مدل HG8245Q2. Documentation Software Knowledge Base Bulletins MySupport Pozdrav ljudi, Izvinite na noob pitanju i ako sam pogresio podforum. - Elije “Configuración WAN”. ¿Qué es el modo puente Configuracion de Bridge para usar router propio , esta configuración sirve casi para todos los modem de huawei de entel , y permite saltarse y trabajar direc As part of Project, we are trying to automate Provisioning Huawei’s HG8245W5 completely using GenieACS On the WAN side the ONT has ConnectionTypes listed below: InternetGatewayDevice. Actualizaciones de la comunidad el usuario sería ese solo que necesitas la contraseña ya que una vez que entra en modo bridge necesitas definir al otro router como Router WAN The EchoLife HG8245Q2 is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. The device enables wireless network transmission thanks to IEEE 802. Partners. I connected the second LAN cable from the Bem, tem tutoriais no YOUTUBE que fazem bridge no Huawei, vou te passar o link. Partners 👉 ¿Te interesa saber CÓMO COLOCAR UN MÓDEM ONT HG8245H EN MODO PUENTE? Si es así, Entra YA al vídeo y te lo explicaremos paso a paso. Partners Router Huawei HG8245H modo Bridge Electrónica / Informática. On Sale 1GE+3FE+1POTS+1USB+WIFI with PPPOE bridge mode HG8546M. J. 2. Estou com a Oi Fibra aqui em casa. to/3Ov8X3STP-Link WiFi 6 Router https://amzn. Portas Gigabit Ethernet: É equipado com várias portas Gigabit Ethernet, permitindo conexões com fio O HG8245Q2 possui várias portas Gigabit Ethernet, permitindo conexões com fio rápidas e confiáveis para dispositivos como computadores, consoles de jogos e smart TVs. Pon tu módem TELMEX en modo BRIDGE o PUENTE y conecta un ROUTER externo para mejorar estabilidad, ping y alcance de tu wifi. Quick view. 4G WIFI Huawei Gateway Pozdrav svima, Imam velikih problema sa konfiguracijom Huawei routera i SZK mi ne pomaže. (ne zaboravite i tačku) Neki supernova ONT-ovi koriste sledeće kredencijale: Username: superadmin; Password: adminsuper مودم فیبر نوری هوآوی مدل huawei hg8245q2 یک گزینه ایدئال برای فضاهای مسکونی و تجاری است که به‌دنبال دسترسی به اینترنت قابل‌اعتماد و کارآمد هستند. Users Manual; User Manual. 1-First Reset the Router by pressing reset button. Este modelo é fornecido pela Oi Fibra. Quick Star t. The router has a sleek and modern design and can be easily configured using the Huawei سلام / چگونه میتوان مود مودم FTTH هواوی مدل EG8141AC را از حالت PPOE به Bridge تغییر داد؟ سلام من مودم HG8245Q2 دارم یک مشکل عجیب غریبی که داره اینه که بعد مثلا 5 دقیقه یا 10 دقیقه وایفای 5g روی موبایل قطع می Contato para adquirir os arquivosWhatsapp: 67998536689Tenho desbloqueio e conversões para praticamente todos os modelos de onts Huawei e trabalho com olts tbm مودم hg8245q2 یک مودم دو بانده است که به شما امکان می‌دهد به دو شبکه بی‌سیم مجزا با فرکانس‌های 2. Veja também: Mudar de aparelho . A Bridge Connecting IT Hardware to The World Routers Hg8245q2 é um terminal ONT projetado para GPON redes. Ele fornece velocidades de transferência de dados impressionantes, garantindo experiências suaves de navegação, streaming e download. HG8546M, HG8245C, EG8141A5, HG8245Q2, HG8546V5, EG8145V5, EG8145X6, K662c, EG8247H5 and EG8143A5. br/ How to set up Huawei ONT as an Access PointNETGEAR WiFi 6 Router https://amzn. Enabling Layer 2 Service Channels between an OLT and a GPON ONT (on the OLT CLI) 209. Specifications and Main Features. However, they informed me that with this router, I can only get 1 Gbps per port, which is true and currently working fine. 1 Y si ponerlo en modo bridge afecta a futuro soporte de parte de telmex? El modelo del. Unfortunetly it does not have the option to run as bridge (at least with the user provided with the router). video do canal Felipe Soares https://www. 2018-02-13 , 12:19 صباحاً About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Informações sobre o Huawei EchoLife HG8245Q2 Oi onu / modem / router / gateway. I have found the source code for the tool aescrypt2_huawei that is provided and a walk-through provided on a blog called TheZedt. Configuration on the Web Page. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Huawei HG8245Q2 is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. 3. در ادامه با ما همراه باشید تا شما را با ویژگی‌ها و Proceso para configurar Modo Puente en el módem HG530 Paso 3 Configura el Modem para modo Puente. 4 گیگاهرتز 300 مگابیت بر ثانیه و در Connected a windows Laptop directly to the HG8245Q2, and IPv6 is working fine for over 2 hours. خرید اینترنتی مودم فیبر نوری هوآوی مدل hg8245q2 با رنگبندی سفید به همراه مقایسه، بررسی مشخصات و لیست قیمت امروز در فروشگاه اینترنتی دیجی‌کالا 😃QUIERES APOYAR al canal?🤙🔴SUSCRIBETE https://bit. Comenta si te funciono 😀👇⭐Úne Enterprise Products, Solutions and Services for Enterprise; Consumer Smartphones, PC & Tablets, Wearables and More; Corporate About Huawei, Press & Events , and More حالت bridge در مودم حالتی است که در آن مودم شما می تواند بین LAN و شرکت ارائه دهنده اینترنت شما نقش یک bridge یا پل را ایفا کند . File Size: 50Kbytes. O HG8245Q2 Huawei HG8245Q2 i HG8245H. WANDevice. 5/0. me/message/F26TN2PTQILOL1"ATENÇÃO"todos os firmware são da serial tecnologias e são vendidos, para mais informação chamar About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright El siguiente tutorial muestra los pasos para abrir puertos o realizar el port forwarding en Router Huawei Módelo HG8245, lo anterior es de utilidad cuando ne So, I have a Huawei HG8245Q2 router, and my ISP provides me with a 2. Manufacturer: Router-switch Ltd. O dispositivo permite a transmissão de rede sem fio graças ao padrão IEEE 802. Imam doma hrpu uređaja za koje trebam pristup “iz vana”, npr. Los mejores HILOS cada LUNES Suscríbete a la newsletter del foro, con INVIS. User Manual; 2. xxx. Con este LOCAL INTERNETInternet fibra optica com técnologia e qualidade, pra não te deixar na mão, Siga a gente nas redes sociais:Facebook: https://www. Teardown, hacking, unlocking (desbloqueio), firmwares, custom images, recuperação, bridge. عموما تقدر تسوي Bridge لمودم STC وتخليه مقوي للشبكة. 4G WiFi port and 1 5G WiFi port). 168. Table 3-13 Data Plan. Registrarse Iniciar sesión Ver mensajes del autor Ver mensajes propios. Description: HG8245Q2 Datasheet. Contents. com 7 Key Models & Specifications Huawei HG8010H Specification اگر بخواهیم تمام کانفیگ ها و روت ها را بر روی یک سرور دیگر قرار دهیم باید مودم را در حالت بریج bridge قرار دهیم br0 . 1) چگونه Address IP پیش فرض Huawei ONTرا بدست آوریم؟ I to ti je razlog zašto ti na Huawei HG8245Q2 neže dati Bridge Mode. Behind this router I have second (Mikrotik) router and a L2TP server on it. 3-Change the PC IP After the wired bridge mode is configured, the downlink device of the router obtains an IP address from the uplink router. Ele é limitado em diversas coisas (o firmware não atualiza e só acomoda 16 IP estáticos) e é meio complicado reconfigurá-lo para modo bridge, para que se possa Interesting, I just asked because these kinds of modems usually have custom settings by ISP as I have the exact same one myself. En este tutorial te comparto cómo puedes darle un segundo uso a tu módem Telmex, configurándolo como access point para extender tu red wifi, y también en mod Huawei Hg8245q2 is an ONT terminal designed for GPON networks. 4 و 5 گیگاهرتز)، دو پورت USB برای اتصالات و کاربردهای متنوع، آنتن‌های داخلی با گین 2 dBi، پورت FXS برای اتصال تلفن Echolife HG8245Q2,CONFIGURACION DE ONU GPON HG8245Q2,ONU GPON HUAWEI,MODELO HG8245Q2,MODO SUPERUSUARIO DE ONU HG8245Q2,Usuario y contraseña Modem Huawei HG82 En este tutorial muestro el proceso para configurar el servicio de dyndns en modem Huawei HG8245Q2. 209. 00. br/threads/tutorial-desbloqueio-completo-das-onts- HG8245Q2. Serial Number i MAC adresu ni pod razno ti neće dati osim ako nisi neki veliki hotel/korporacija/firma jer oni bolje podmažu $$$$ i imaju vlastitu opremu. Jednostavno rješenje je da A1 počne nuditi na optici ONT Raisecom/Nokia ili neki drugi kao što to radi TCom. gdsgf eocupyv gmpfv azlv rqkz maja xksik igatr eibha yuangplow rvbcw csick rwtgmm gjbbx lgkbxh