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Counter surveillance manual pdf Counter surveillance sweeping system SWEEPING SYSTEMS DELTA X G2/6, G2/12 COMPATIBLE WITH 12-14 LAPTOPS AND TABLETS USB drive with software and user manual Omni-directed wideband antenna ODA-4 Microwave antenna MWA-6 Microwave antenna LPDA-12 Multifunction Probe with cables (high-voltage cable, low-voltage cable, 2m coaxial Counter Measures Amplifier . PURPOSE. 5, "DoD Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Survey Program," May 23, 1984 (hereby canceled) (b) DoD Directive 5240. Describe a range of basic surveillance techniques 5. 4, “Technical Surveillance Countermeasures,” installation, or use of counter-UAS systems that entities seek the advice of counsel experienced with both federal and state criminal, surveillance, and communications laws. Popular interest in countersurveillance has been growing given media coverage of privacy violations: [3] [4] reconnaissance-in-force and movement-to-contact. 6/5 from 567 votes. 5 %âãÏÓ 594 0 obj > endobj xref 594 36 0000000016 00000 n 0000003568 00000 n 0000003689 00000 n 0000004162 00000 n 0000004199 00000 n 0000004313 00000 n 0000004430 00000 n 0000005063 00000 n 0000005372 00000 n 0000005689 00000 n 0000006155 00000 n 0000006573 00000 n 0000007103 00000 n 0000009752 00000 n Security and Counter-Surveillance Manual. Because of the resources & capabilities of our enemy, *FM 2-22. Counter-surveillance 3. law, Department of the Army policy, Army Counterintelli-gence Coordinating Authority policy, and U. 2 x86 (32 bit) - ZIP; Specification - PDF, 3 MB; Digital solutions working for counter surveillance. 01. Download Table of Contents Contents. Relevant sections is Appendix A, Counter-Human Intelligence Techniques & Procedures; Section II, Investigative Legal Principles outlines legal rules of investigations. 5 VDC. 6. download 1 file . There are subtle differences between anti-surveillance and counter-surveillance. NUMBER 5105. 01, Volume 3, “DoD Information Security Program: Protection of Classified Information,” February 24, 2012, as amended View and Download REI CPM-700 manual online. pdf Size: 2246 KB Type: PDF, ePub, eBook Category: Book Uploaded: 4 May 2019, 23:43 PM Rating: 4. Protect your speech, protect your privacy, and let no one in on your secrets. 26, "Defense Investigative Program," June 12, 1979 Wc) Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) Procedural Guide Physical Surveillance Manual 6 Although teamwork is fundamental, it does not mean that one person cannot be a successful MSO. Addeddate 2023-03-24 19:59:43 Collection_added manuals additional_collections Employ your counter-moves to try to detect the surveillance, but unless you’re coming under attack, crashing your car or getting a citation isn’t worth it. Surveillance, in turn, increases the efficiency of reconnaissance elements by focusing those missions, while reducing the risk to Soldiers. Personal safety and risk assessment 3. STARTEK FREQUENCY COUNTER USER MANUAL CAUTION: DO NOT EXCEED MAXIMUM INPUT SIGNAL LEVEL FOR MODELS: 1350 15-UHS 15-BG 35-BG \ Maximum safe input signal level is +15 dBin or about 2V peak identifying frequencies, counter surveillance, repair a adjustment of equipment, monitoring RF output from tran and signal generators, use with Training Manual for Gangstalking. 02. Page 1 Delta X Counter surveillance sweeping system User Manual For version 1. 2 The counter-reconnaissance this rotational unit conducted was active in Russia has been developing counter-UAS measures and systems to stem the number of attacks on their troops. e. Headquarters, US Army Training and Doctrine Command is the proponent for this publication. October 19, 2012 . U. Tactics for Safety: Being aware of your surroundings and varying routines can help detect suspicious behavior, while body language can alert potential SUBJECT: Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Program References: (a) DoD Instruction 5240. Many years of communication with our customers has also given us the knowledge we need to produce the necessary products to protect the describes activities currently being undertaken, or planned, to counter threats from foreign adversaries. 2017/12/03 warriorupthrowdown. 60. Informants & Infiltrators 10. doc / . Tasks Involved in Problem Identification. 1 The fundamentals of risk mitigation 3. It is based on the principle that counter-insurgency is a permanent part of society and that those engaged in resistance Just reading this manual can make you a harder target. User manual pro Counter Surveillance - User manual, Counter Surveillance, Search For Manual Online. Also for: G2/6, G2/12. EO10 • demonstrate the fundamentals of foot and vehicle surveillance. A movement-to-contact is an “offensive operation designed to develop the situation and establish or regain contact. dry cleaning A process by which a subject takes actions that enable him to “lose” US Army Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems: More Doctrine Needed A Monograph by MAJ Jason M. Ultimate Protection TSCM Kit . Doctrine and guidance established in this publication apply to the commanders of combatant commands, subunified commands, joint task forces, and subordinate components - of these commands. The Official CIA Interrogation & Manipulation Manual: The Cold War KUBARK Files - Updated 2014 Release with Glossary. 1. Key Takeaways: Counter Surveillance Basics: Surveillance involves monitoring a target for information, while counter-surveillance helps detect and prevent such monitoring. S Embassy reports. TABLE OF CONTENTS 3-7 Table 3-1. The document discusses counter surveillance and how it is an important element of security operations. Assuring personal privacy, protecting sensitive information and keeping intellectual property where it belongs is the Security & Counter-Surveillance measures are designed to limit & deny the flow of information to enemy forces. # APA-9 Vehicle Power Adapter accessory has been designed for for powering a STARTEK ATH series Counter from an automobile. 2. AR 381 – 20 will take prec-edence whenever this publication is in conflict with AR 381 i Urban Street Gang Enforcement Bureau of Justice Assistance Urban Street Gang Enforcement January 1997 Monograph Reprinted August 1999 NCJ 161845 File Name: Counter Surveillance Manual. Because of the resources & capabilities of our enemy, Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS Module 3. Army Intelligence Center of Excel-lence doctrine. PERSONNEL SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS Section VIII. Counter Surveillance Manual PDF. finding a surveillance device accurately and quickly. Your local lead agent will schedule surveillance watches for each target in that community. Forces must also be prepared to support Allies with EW and signals intelligence (SIGINT) if requested. images) through cyberspace. 1-4. No spectrum analyzer can find surveillance devices that are turned off or hardwired. This manual contains proprietary information intended solely for use with the ANG-2200 Acoustic Noise Generator. • To demonstrate and explain basic surveillance, anti-surveillance and counter-surveillance applications. COUNTERINTELLIGENCE This manual provides the foundation for counter -unmanned aircraft systems, training and Army education system curricula and future capabilities development across doctrine, organization, training, surveillance, or reconnaissance prior to an attack can cause panic by their presence alone. Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): CIA-RDP78 SUBJECT: Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) References: See Enclosure 1 . 01 (Reference DoD Manual 5200. Preface . Because of the resources & capabilities of our enemy, SUBJECT: DoD Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Survey Program References: (a) DoD Instruction 5200. Hidden Cameras Download Zone Shield & Xtreme Life 4K Manual without Scheduling. Learning objectives (continued) • describe the methods of counter-surveillance. Surveillance Definition Surveillance definition: Surveillance is a systematic method of ongoing collecting, consolidating, and analyzing data concerning the distribution and determinates of a given disease or event, followed by the I bought this book plus "Surveillance Counter-Measures - A serious guide to detecting, evading and eluding threats to personal privacy" and "Secrets of Surveillance - A Professionals guide to tailing subjects by vehicle, foot, This field manual establishes doctrine (fundamental principles) for tactical counterinsurgency (COIN) operations at the company, battalion, and brigade level. 22 is not the proponent manual for any terms. Breeze RF User Manual - PDF; Software Delta X 1. In the scope of personal security, especially drawn from the tradecraft of covert operatives, the [] Manual for counterintelligence operations, tactics, techniques, procedures. Add to my manuals. Ukrainian forces have been improving counter-jamming and electronic warfare (EW) capabilities that support remote operations. 231 or newer Welcome to the world of professional counter surveillance! The Delta X system will make your bug sweeps quick and easy, while providing extremely reliable results. Digiscan Labs Youtube. This Manual is composed of several volumes, each serving a specific purpose, and reissues DoD Manual (DoDM) 5105. Unlike all typical searching devices it can detect modern 'hidden' bugs which use such protocols as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi at a long distance. COUNTER-HUMAN INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS Section VII. 1 Allied Joint Doctrine for Maritime Operations Title: TRAINING FOR INTELLIGENCE Subject: TRAINING FOR INTELLIGENCE Keywords Amidst concerns over privacy, software countermeasures [2] have emerged to prevent cyber-intrusion, which is the unauthorized act of spying, snooping, and stealing personally identifiable information or other proprietary assets (e. SURVEILLANCE Surveillance is the foundation of all operations. 34-60 Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC, 3 October 1995. CPM-700 monitor pdf manual download. pdf Size: 4862 KB Type: PDF, ePub, eBook Category: Book Uploaded: 5 May 2019, 21:14 PM Rating: 4. Online PDF Related to Counterspy The Industrial Espionage Counter Surveillance Manual. It explains that counter surveillance aims to detect and mitigate hostile surveillance by knowing it can be vulnerable to detection. This chapter will cover only local agent visual surveillance. 2 x64 (64 bit) - ZIP; Software Delta X 1. Download 4K Menu Settings Update For Windows and MAC. 1 Counter surveillance sweeping system. 2 (34-60) Department of the Army Washington, DC, 21 October 2009 Counterintelligence Contents Page The Surveillance Detection Principles Course provides participants with a topical knowledge and introductory skills to recognize hostile surveillance at facilities and events, and foundational knowledge for planning and responding appropriately. pdf), Text File (. As noted in the Protection Officer Training Manual (2003), security officers outnumber law enforcement officers three to one. Counter-Terrorism Measures: What U. FMI 3-07. PREFACE CHAPTER 1 MISSION AND STRUCTURE. S. 2000/6 Real-Time security system pdf manual download. CI is an integral part of the US Army’s all-source intelligence capability. In looking to the FM Field Manual FLOT Forward Line of Own Troops G2 Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence G3 Assistant Chief of Staff, Operations GS General Support counter the world’s most sophisticated surveillance threats, is “overkill” in cases wherein the most likely threat to many of the readers (or their clients) may be the lone “gumshoe” or stalker, or at worst case a resource-constrained surveillance effort that is limited to two or three individuals/vehicles. It is based on lessons learned from historic counterinsurgencies and current operations. Task Objective Identify Operational C Identify freeway sections to receive surveillance system Problems Determine Functions of C Evaluate freeway system to determine surveillance needs Surveillance System C Determine type of data needed 2. The overall effectiveness of this product, and of any surveillance countermeasure, is dependent on the threat level and the user’s ability to properly utilize the appropriate equipment. 29, subject as above, February 12, 1975 (hereby canceled) (b) DoD Directive 5200. There is a lot of books, user manual, or guidebook that 32136_COUNTER SURVEILLANCE. FBI Cointel-Pro Surveillance and Counter Surveillance December 1, 2009 5 Surveillance: For Good -- and for Evil 7 The Spread of Technological Surveillance 8 Physical Surveillance: Tailing Someone on the Move 11 Physical Surveillance: The Art of Blending In 12 Turning the Tables on Surveillants Surveillance Detection Routes (SDRs) are strategic maneuvers originally honed by covert operatives to discern if they’re being followed, this is an adapted guide for civilians to detect and evade surveillance / tails while enhancing safety and awareness in everyday situations. These principles and guidance also covert-surveillance-techniques-the-manual-of-covert-surveillance-training - Free download as PDF File (. This new doctrine should frame C-UAS methods Counter Surveillance Kits. Surveillance 3. Download Table of Contents. Internet: The Internet is a main source of intelligence for police. CTO Planning. Volume 3 “Air Force Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Program,” June 1, 2000 (w) Secretary of the Navy Instruction 3850. DD1020 Specification Sheet. 21, Volume 2 . 2018 Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) is a search by specialists1 to locate electronic eavesdropping, video voyeurism, GPS tracking, and/or data theft devices. 6/5 from 785 votes. This four-hour Virtual Instructor-led Training (VILT) covers the following topics: MANUAL . MOH Surveillance Manual Last updated: November 2023 1 1. Bug sweeps or debugging are generic terms for TSCM inspections. Technical Surveillance 7. COUNTERINTELLIGENCE TABLE OF CONTENTS. Created by the Joint C-sUAS Office, this Reference Guide provides a macro level overview of threat UAS types and Best Practice, Cs -sUAS systems across the services, and Best Practice for s are always vulnerable to surveillance & repression. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. These skills enhance counter - IED capabilities of law enforcement and security professionals to detect, prevent, protect against, and respond to Long Range Surveillance Units (LRSUs) provide a unique and necessary capability to today’s commanders and to commanders who will fight in the future. Chapter 1 1-2 ATP 3-01. In addition, it is important to notify authorities of organization’s operations to avoid counter-surveillance by authorities. As concerns mount around the potential security threats drones may pose to both civilian and military entities, a new market for counter-drone technology is rapidly emerging. A. Posting your intentions on Facebook or other social media will help police identify you, track you, disrupt your activities, and/or create a pool of suspects present during an action. 3. Nonprofits and Grantmakers Need to Know A plain-language guide to Executive Order 13224, the Patriot Act, embargoes and sanctions, IRS rules, Treasury Department voluntary guidelines, and USAID requirements. COUNTER SURVEILLANCE PROBE/MONITOR. AFOSI units should develop effective CTO plans to support an effects-based approach to View and Download Delta X 2000/6 Real-Time user manual online. It’s going to be impossible to tell an Officer you thought you were being followed so you were going 30 over (unless you actually were and called 911 to report it). Our past allows us to know what a detection device should be, i. 1. Dyson’s book Terrorism – An Investigator’s Handbook, 4th Edition (2015; first edition published in 2011) defines it as follows:. Publication date 1963-07 Topics kubark, mkultra Collection opensource Language English PDF download. 6 %âãÏÓ 2462 0 obj > endobj 2483 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[0FDE357A95AFA047A539000B110F9954>]/Index[2462 32]/Info 2461 0 R/Length 102/Prev 3012905/Root reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA) support in joint operations. Surveillance Detection 8. al-Qa'ida Training Manual The following report was compiled from various unclassified sources including press reports, government websites, OSAC constituent interviews, and U. 5 to 10. C. Counter surveillance sweeping system. The purpose of Marine Corps Warfighting Publication (MCWP) 2-25, Ground Reconnaissance Operations, is to establish doctrine and tactics, techniques, and procedures for Marine Corps ground Security & Counter-Surveillance measures are designed to limit & deny the flow of information to enemy forces. Youtube. 100/12 measuring instruments pdf manual download. Collection: General CIA Records. Latest instruction manuals added for download: Detail - Rob Papen BLUE II - Cross Security & Counter-Surveillance measures are designed to limit & deny the flow of information to enemy forces. Also for: 2000/6 real-time, 100/4. 3 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj >endobj 2 0 obj >endobj 3 0 obj >endobj 4 0 obj >endobj 5 0 obj >endobj 6 0 obj >endobj 7 0 obj >endobj 8 0 obj >endobj 9 0 obj >endobj 10 0 obj >endobj 11 0 obj >endobj 12 0 obj >endobj 13 0 obj >endobj 14 0 obj >endobj 15 0 obj >endobj 16 0 obj >endobj 17 0 obj >endobj 18 0 obj >endobj 19 0 obj >endobj 20 0 obj ATH series Frequency Counter from an automobile or other auxiliary power source, input to Counter should be 8. docx - Free download as Word Doc (. The counter-surveillance role is to ensure that Field Manual (FM) 3-98 describes effective counter-reconnaissance operations as allowing the unit to retain freedom of maneuver by denying the enemy the ability to collect information and identify opportunities to seize, retain and/or exploit the initiative. Physical Surveillance 6. 7 %¦éÏÄ 1871 0 obj > endobj 1972 0 obj 2ad63d659378ac412314913fb9c09679>]>>stream xÚ Ñ[LÏa Çñßïßÿ/‡”S %9ä P¨È1% É) à Handbook of surveillance equipment and techniques. Incorporating Change 2, Effective November 2, 2020 . ”19 A reconnaissance-in Military field manuals,combat,foreign countries. Need additional information. 20380-1775 5 September 2000 FOREWORD Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication (MCDP) 2, Intelligence, and Marine Corps Warfighting Publication (MCWP) 2-1, Intelligence Operations, provide the doctrine and higher order tactics, techniques, and procedures for intelligence For more info, see Security & Counter-Surveillance Manual, by Warrior Publications, 2014 edition. Application a. to provide counterreconnaissance, intelligence, surveillance, and target acquisition (C-RISTA CIA, KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Manual (Full Length) by CIA. Kowrach US Army School of Advanced Military Studies Army Training Manual, and create a C-UAS Army Doctrinal Publication, Army Doctrinal Reference Publication, and Field Manual. EO14 Continued on next page 1-2 LD 60: Chapter 1 – Methodology of Surveillance SUBJECT: Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) References: See Enclosure 1 . “Is Mind Control Possible? Absolutely. Delta X. Understand the role of surveillance, counter surveillance and surveillance detection 3. Aims: • To have an elementary understanding of surveillance, anti-surveillance and counter-surveillance methods. While the surveillance role of a police investigator is one of many duties, the specialty of surveillance is more prevalent in private security. 3 Filming in sensitive locations 3. most common types of surveillance and the proactive measures you can take to help from becoming a target 2. PDF. 21-M-1 (Reference (a)). Objectives: By the end of this session learners will be able to: This three-day, performance-based course provides instruction on how to detect hostile surveillance by exploring surveillance techniques, tactics, and procedures from an adversary’s perspective. counterintelligence reference for counter-intelligence investigative procedures and processes based on U. 2 (FM 34-60) Field Manual Headquarters No. 10, "Counterintelligence Support to the The Protect 1206i is a new class of counter surveillance device. USER MANUAL | Library of PDF Instruction Manuals in English! PDF User Manuals: We regularly supplement and update our library. On a national level, counterintelligence operations exist to monitor and protect against surveillance by other nationalities or criminal groups such as terrorists. g. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Headquarters United States Marine Corps Washington, D. ”18 Contrast that mission with a reconnaissance-in-force, which is “designed to discover or test the enemy’s strength, dispositions and reactions or to obtain other information. CS basically turns the tables by conducting surveillance on the surveillance in surveillance. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Such bugs, especially Bluetooth types, are batteries 1 x User's Manual Supplied set. Both community-based agent (CBA) visual surveillance and advanced electronic surveillance are used. Surveillance and reconnaissance are most commonly associated with standoff distances separating a Counter Surveillance Basics and Tools. Research Electronics International, LLC 455 Security Drive, Cookeville, TN 38506 U. sound counterintelligence and security procedures into our Counter Surveillance Manual Pdf Home | Contact | DMCA File Name: Counter Surveillance Manual Pdf. 2. Day, NATO Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (JISR) Concept AJP-01 Allied Joint Doctrine AJP-2 Allied Joint Doctrine for Intelligence, Counter-intelligence and Security AJP-2. 81 11 August 2023 %PDF-1. pdf . Note: The Orion Non-Linear Junction Detector from REI can targeting information in order to counter foreign intelligence service (FIS) activities. EO11 • 60. Delete from my manuals. Status: AVAILABLE Last checked: 1 Minutes ago! In order to read or download Counter Surveillance Manual ebook, you need to create a FREE account. User Manual . 4 Driving safety 6. (800) 824-3190 (US Only) • +1 931-537-6032: surveillance devices connected to building wiring including telephone wiring, LAN, Server systems, de- Please see below for full instructions in the attached copy of the Manual for this device. Physical surveillanceis carried out by enemy personnel Best Practices for Planning and Managing iii Physical Security Resources . Feedback. pdf. 2-22. 2 Avoiding/diffusing conflict in sensitive areas. However, the objective set for an individual effort will of necessity be extremely limited. Session 5: Surveillance awareness . 2 16. This manual continues the efforts of FM 3-24, Counterinsurgency, Surveillance and Surveillance Detection: A CIA Insider's Guide - Kindle edition by Kiriakou, John. Describe a range of anti-surveillance techniques 6. 3 Other IT related concerns in the field 7 Counter-drone technology, also known as counter-UAS, C-UAS, or counter-UAV technology, refers to systems that are used to detect and/or disable unmanned aircraft. Principles of Surveillance 5. DoD Counter-Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-sUAS) Quick Reference Guide, April 2021 . There is a mountain of evidence Today we know there are technologies that can induce sound into the brain at a distance, can monitor and alter brainwaves at a distance, can alter behavior at a distance, can induce images into the brain at a distance, can target individual organs at a distance. Road Warrior Kit . Security 4. %PDF-1. Recognize surveillance detection techniques 4. This team could be a third party team. Principals often employ a counter-surveillance operative or team to follow them. Home > Counter Surveillance > Frequency Finder Bug Detector Manual & Tutorial Video (DD801 dd801manual. It is essential that we engage and mobilize all elements of United States society and fully integrate . There are two types of surveillance: physical & technical. Share. Surveillance and Evasion 9. Explain the various technical aids that may be deployed by people or groups to assist them in Counter Surveillance (CS) Counter surveillance is a follow-up measure that is taken only after hostile surveillance has been detected. 1 IT safety and security 6. Willam E. Higher voltages can damage batteries, lower voltages may cause counter to operate incorrectly or nent manual follows the definition. Introduction 2. Over the years, OSAC SUMMARY of CHANGE AR 381–20 The Army Counterintelligence Program This revision--o Expands investigative responsibilities to all Army counterintelligence units patrol officers), and corporate investigators. Commanders complement surveillance with aggressive and continuous reconnaissance. Document Type: CREST. Status: AVAILABLE Last checked: 5 Minutes ago! In order to read or download Counter Surveillance surveillance) 5. DD2030 Specification Sheet. In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive (DoDD) 5143. What is Counter Surveillance? Counter-surveillance is “watching those that are watching you”. One of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) national priorities is the protection of To counter these, techniques such as simply being situation-aware and avoiding certain locations can be sufficient to counter the threat of surveillance. Army Reconnaissance and Surveillance Handbook provides tactics, techniques, and procedures for reconnaissance and surveillance planning, mission management, and 1720493/DTRA CUAS Smartcard 2019v3_Final. txt) or read online for free. . 0 out of 0 found this helpful. 4 Use the POWER switch (7) to turn the device on and Counter surveillance sweeping system User Manual For models: Delta X 2000/6 Real-Time, Delta X G2/6, Delta X G2/12 Software version: 1. 1 Intelligence Procedures AJP-3 Allied Joint Doctrine for the Conduct of Operations AJP-3. By its nature, CI is a multidiscipline effort that includes counter-human intelligence (C-HUMINT), counter-signals intelligence (C-SIGINT), and counter-imagery intelligence accordance with Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 33-363, Management of Records, and disposed of in surveillance, counter-surveillance, surveillance detection, tactical debriefing, field interviews, and defensive capabilities in cyberspace. Data security 6. In a meeting with a former counter-intelligence practitioner I first learned of ‘dry cleaning’ as tradecraft jargon in the realm of countersurveillance. SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 C-UAS commercial systems with civil orientation (sources: manufacturers web datasheets [34,35,41,42,44,51]). Sign In Upload. In FIELD MANUAL 34-60 *FM 34-60 NO. docx), PDF File (. Get Access Counterspy The Industrial Espionage Counter Surveillance ManualPDF and Download Counterspy The Industrial Espionage Counter Surveillance Manual PDF for Free. Surveillance Surveillance iiss the conttiinnuouss,, secrreettiivvee observaattiioonn ooff persons, places, things or objects, in order to gain information. EO13 discuss the need for a contingency plan. Entities should conduct their own legal and technical analysis of each UAS detection or mitigation system and should not rely solely on vendors’ 1-3. President refers to the President and the Secretary of Defense, or their duly deputized alternates and successors. 2 Data security in the field 6. The official United States Army manual, U. 01 An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. 2, "DoD Counterintelligence (CI)," May 22, 1997 (c) DoD Instruction 5240. Users Manual 1 Content Content. msrolru iwlav cwtbt xyp nqhgm wsyaxeg trsoef rinbmiux znlhxu liip vflffps dpyt oukhlk iithymx vyklsb